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مشاهدة النتائج 81 الى 100 من 110

المواضيع: My Journey Here ~

  1. #81

    music for reading, writing and studying (a classical)
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 


  2. ...

  3. #82

    no it is not OK to be similar to anyone !
    that is not how friendship works
    don't compete anyone to you
    you have your benefits that can't reach to them
    you have no right to tell them they should be unfair with themselves
    like you tell them you got this to your self you got your guard down and you force them to think they did not thank you enough
    or they did not have enough timing with you ! why do you need to act odd to others like this is either social or private
    no you are not being correct/wrong or intelligence for having the grammar and spelling and essay you need !
    stop trying to make them as trial and force them to lose control of themselves ! stop missing around them and make them closer to worries and trying to
    make them that they should love you this way so you can harm them for this ! like don't let anyone tries to just tell how painful it was to them
    if you wanna confess don't let them confess by force and make them beat themselves for that like they should see how great you are and make them bad for that
    stop trying to look where is the hero and where is the evil and who is the adult and who is the child here ! nobody want this as topic

    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  4. #83
    why do you need to upset yourself for trying so hard to punish yourself for being shy !
    you do not need to lose control of yourself just to act OK by this action
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  5. #84
    الصديق الحقيقي هو من لايعبرني دوما بجدية بل يتركني على طبيعة حالي
    وهو الذي يقبلني بالقليل وليس فقط بالكبير وهو من لايريد ان يتعاظم امامي
    ولايجدر له ان يقول لي اني كنت كاذب كنت ام صادق كنت بل يتركني لطبيعة لحني لا يجبرني على فضل وذل
    لا يجوز ان ينزوي بنفسه ويجبرك تجلس معه بحجة ان الاجتماعية يجب ان تكون بالجلسة معه فقط ليؤدي دوره المزعج عليك
    والاهم الا يتدخل في قراراتك فقط ليدعي ان ينصحك فالنصيحة ليست بالتدخل في القرارات واجبارك على اطاعته لكونه على نصح
    لايجوز ان يفعل هذا لاي مستقبل كان معه فالمستقبل لايجب ان يأتي بالغصب بل فيما لانعرفه فلماذا يجبرنا نعرفه
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  6. #85
    لا مابي افهم انك لازم تزهق مني وتشوفني قديمه علشان موضتك ترفض علي وقاحتك هذي !
    وكأن الابتسامة للوقحين فقط ولا احب من يحب ادعاء الذكاء لبسمته فقط !! يبتسم ليبديك غاضبا !
    نعم انا قاس .. ليس لاني قاس لاني اريد بل لان مجتمعي يراني بشكل لا اسنحقه ويزيد وينقص بهذا
    فماذا يجب ان يتوقع مني غير القسوة اذن اذا حتى البسمه لم تكن ملكي بل ملكهم وانه يجب ان اقنع نفسي اني بلا موهبة !
    يريدونني جامدة بحجة ان تحركي يعتبر تمرد وانه يجب ان لا اتحرك كي ابقى بهذا الجمود المسمى بالهدوء ولا اتحرك منه بتاً
    لا ارى سوى الغضب والتحديق الموجع بي كأني شخص لا يجب ان يغادر الشبهات وعلي ان اكون سيئا قدر الامكان لاثبت انهم على خير مني
    كلهم يريدون تركي شاحبا اعذب نفسي لكي ارضيهم وكي اجعلهم يستنفدوني وينفروني منهم ومني ومن اي شيء له علاقة بي فما العمل اذن ...؟!
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Ronay في يوم » 25-04-2024 عند الساعة » 20:20

  7. #86
    Nobody need to role you no Matter how wrong or right they are

    It’s wrong to be wrong to wrong people
    It’s unfair to be right to right people
    Don’t tell me how i was cruel to myself
    Doing that to dwell around me and tell me i was naive is unfair
    Don’t be too ashamed or arrogant about having your opinion
    نماذج الصور المرفقة نماذج الصور المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » IMG_6635.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 8  

الحجم » 74.3 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275487   اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » IMG_6634.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 7  

الحجم » 118.1 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275486  

  8. #87
    لا أستطيع التوقف عن البكاء
    الكل يصر ان وجودي يجب ان يكون مخفي
    وجودي لاقيمة له ويجب ان يتم دفني
    لا احد يريدني كما انا بل يريدوني لاجل التعذيب النفسي والتراكم وللرفض
    لا اعلم لماذا الجميع يحب الخوف والبكاء ويريدك مجرد شيء للخوف والبكاء
    لا يريدون سوى ان يقنعونك انك كنت شيء سيء مر عليهم ولا اعرف لماذا
    نعم انهم يرونني ولكنهم يرونني لكي يعلموني كيف احتقر نفسي لهم
    يريدوني مجرد مصدر فراغ وازعاج يتمتعون بجعلي مصدر جدل وضوضاء
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  9. #88
    الغضب هو كل شيء القاه هنا
    الكل يريد ان يغضب مني فحسب
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  10. #89
    i hate how remake 2 made me hate claire
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  11. #90
    i hate resident evil
    i had enough of resident evil
    i hate a lot of stuff about it
    i hate it fans and games and movies and how they love ruining your lovable things about resident evil
    i hate how they wanna ruin what you love for what they fave and what they fave isn't even what they love but what they wanna argue about !
    resident evil isn't worth it anymore !
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  12. #91
    بطولتك مو حلوة
    مادري ليه تشوف وقاحتك تعتبر عفوية
    تحب تخجل غيرك وتتهمهم بالغرور معك
    تسويهم عبرة لغيرهم وانه عادي سووا هالشي بنفسهم
    عادي تهرجهم عادي تفسرهم بكيفهم
    مالت على اي بنت متفوقة بالمدرسه والدراسة
    عساها تنسود بوجهها زي ماسودتنا بحجة انها متفوقة
    البنت المتفوقة تتعلم الغباء مهما كان الشيء الي تتعلمه
    بس ماتتعلم غير الغباء بحجة الدراسه والتفوق
    وااي يضحكني انها تكره الانجليزي وتحب الرياضيات التافه
    تبينا ندمر مواهبنا الطبيعية ونجي لمواهب مو مواهبنا
    تبينا نتفلسف تفلسف غبي ماله داعي بحجة تفاهم
    خجلها بايخ جدا ومادري ليه اصلا تخجل من الناس وتتفوق عليهم
    ليه تشوف نفسك مسكين ؟ وماتبي تهتم بنفسك كل شي عندك انانيه
    تبي الناس يتصرفون عنك ! همك حق وكذب مع انهم مو مهمين
    الي همه يشوف من يهمل نفسه شخص ماله هدف ترا
    حرام همك تزعل من واحد وتقول هو قهرك وظلمك مع انه مايعرفك
    مو مهم من ظالم ومظلوم او قاتل ومقتول او من هو وهذاك
    ليه وصل حدك لدرجة عادي اغلط على غيري بس عشان ماحب اقعد معهم !
    غريب وضعهم يقولون يسوون كذا دفاعا عن النفس تهجمهم على الناس هو دافعًا لنفسهم ؟ حرام اصلا تعلق احد فيك مهما كنت
    الي يبي يدمرك صح يجي يكون صديقك عشان يعرف يشوف وين تعثراتك ويجمعهم لك ويدعي انه مظلوم منك بعدين
    حرام تنتظر احد يغضب منك وهذا فصدي صديقك يبيك تغضب قدر الامكان بحجة وصل للحقيقه
    وحرام احصل على الحقيقه وقت الغضب لان هذا انهيار عصبي مو انفتاح
    حرام تجط فضلك و ذلتك على غيرك ومادري ليه مقهورمن غيرك وماتبيهم وبعدين تتهجم فيهم
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  13. #92
    It’s so hard to love someone who wanna love make you love them but they don’t care to love you back and they teach you to hate yourself so you can love them when they don’t love you
    They don’t help you grow but they help you destroy yourself and like they deserve better than you
    Idk why they think you wasted their time when they wanted you so hard to enjoy their time with them
    They don’t love us they just love how lost we are within ourselves and they just want issues with ourself like we are good for nothing but for hating ourselves
    They want us to have super powers for their painful bonds and want us to harm ourselves
    نماذج الصور المرفقة نماذج الصور المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » 6538B677-C4D3-48CB-BEFC-DACCA9640DD1.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 5  

الحجم » 263.2 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275518   اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » 453BF304-6508-418B-907A-0806C47B39E2.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 8  

الحجم » 475.4 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275517  

  14. #93
    They miss around me As they were wanting a gear and management over me

    They make me forget myself just so they feel themselves

    They make me forget so much things so I have to be pleasing them

    They act so angry and pissed most of times

    They act so poorly and bad to me as it was possible to be postive and push themselves

    They want my soul to be in darkness to be in peace of madness

    And wanting me to be the scientist play and want my label not my behavior

    I am a work of art that full of details you can’t think i am like the rest then !

    Even tought people have their view but others rage and prejudice towards them

    They judge like you were at their way even tought you don’t know them cause they were clingy to you

    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  15. #94
    Loves Me Not
    Song by t.A.T.u.

    … I complicated our lives
    By falling in love with him
    I complicated our lives
    Now I'm losing my only friend
    I don't know why, I had to try
    Living my life on the other side
    … Now I'm so confused
    (I don't know what to do)
    … He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me not (she loves me not)
    He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    … I started blurring the lines 'cause I didn't care
    I started crossing the line 'cause you were never there
    Nowhere to turn, no one to help
    It's almost like I don't even know myself
    … Now I have to choose
    (I don't know what to do)
    … He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me not (she loves me not)
    He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    … He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me not (she loves me not)
    He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    … Nowhere to turn, no one to help
    It's almost like I don't even know myself
    … Now I have to choose
    (I don't know what to do)
    … He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (Hhe loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me not (she loves me not)
    He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me not (she loves me not)
    … He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me not (she loves me not)
    He loves me (he loves me)
    He loves me not (he loves me not)
    She loves me (she loves me)
    She loves me not (she loves me not)

    Running Blind
    Song by t.A.T.u.

    Reaching for you,
    I know you're out there somewhere.
    It's too dark, I'm so cold,
    I know I had to come here.
    Every broken dream,
    That I leave behind,
    Keeps me going on,
    Keeps me running blind.
    Calling your name, I hear only echoes,
    Searching the rain I see only shadows,
    You've got to show me your face.
    Voices, I hear them calling behind me,
    Phantoms of you are burning inside me,
    You've got to give me a sign.
    Fading, slowly.
    You're drifting into darkness.
    I can't see, I can't think,
    I need to keep on searching.
    Every memory,
    Every thought of you,
    Is inside of me,
    Tells me what to do.
    Calling your name, I hear only echoes,
    Searching the rain I see only shadows,
    You've got to show me your face.
    Voices, I hear them calling behind me,
    Phantoms of you are burning inside me,
    You've got to give me a sign.
    Can you hear me?
    Am I only wasting time?
    Are you near me?
    Are you only in my mind?
    Are you? Are you?
    Calling your name, I hear only echoes,
    Searching the rain I see only shadows,
    You've got to show me your face.
    Voices, I hear them calling behind me,
    Phantoms of you are burning inside me,
    You've got to give me a sign.


    نماذج الصور المرفقة نماذج الصور المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » 9C9AA4DF-8278-431D-A101-F622074F5B05.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 1  

الحجم » 464.5 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275546   اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » 6EAA62AD-A504-4EDD-9CBE-BAF6480EE6AC.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 0  

الحجم » 553.0 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275545  

  16. #95
    "Cosmos (Outer Space)"

    Games we don't want to play
    Same winner everyday
    Kill for the second best
    Feel no more, feel no less
    We have our minutes cut
    We lose our feelings but
    That's what the movies show
    This is where stories go
    Stars we don't want to reach
    Scars we don't want to stitch
    Go where we haven't been
    Fly away, time machine
    Clouds - we will chase them out
    Crowds, we will face them down
    This is our secret place
    Outer space, outer space
    Our home forever is outer space
    Black stars and endless seas, outer space
    New hope, new destinies; outer space
    Forever we'll be in
    Outer space, outer space

    Ground we don't want to feel
    Found what they didn't steal
    Time, we were really lost
    Bridges burnt, fingers crossed

    We, shall we ever be free
    With no guarantee
    Life on another plane
    Same before, same again

    Go where you want to go
    So no one ever knows
    Only what we decide
    Is it gone
    Has it died

    Dry every tear in my eye
    You can tell me why
    This is our secret place
    Outer space, outer space

    Our home forever is, outer space
    Black stars and endless seas, outer space
    New hope, new destinies; outer space
    Forever we'll be in
    Outer Space, outer space

    Outer space is where we get together
    And this place we're meant to be
    Stars are dancing and the time is fading
    Dead forever,
    You and me,
    You and me
    Racing stars and common moons are planets
    In the cosmos, we are free
    There's no atmosphere
    And no obsessions
    It'll always be
    It'll always be
    Our home forever is, outer space
    Black stars and endless seas, outer space
    New hope, new destinies; outer space
    Forever we'll be in
    Outer Space, outer space

    Our home forever is, outer space

    Not Gonna Get Us
    Song by t.A.T.u.

    Not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Starting from here, let's make a promise
    You and me, let's just be honest
    We're gonna run, nothing can stop us
    Even the night, that falls all around us
    Soon there will be laughter and voices
    Beyond the clouds, over the mountains
    We'll run away, on roads that are empty
    Lights from the airfield, shining upon you
    Nothing can stop this
    Not now I love you
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Nothing can stop this
    Not now I love you
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us, gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us, gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Get us
    Not gonna get us
    We'll run away, keep everything simple
    Night will come down, our guardian angel
    We rush ahead, the crossroads are empty
    Our spirits rise, they're not gonna get us
    My love for you, always forever
    Just you and me, all else is nothing
    Not going back, not going back there
    They don't understand, they don't understand us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Nothing can stop this
    Not now I love you
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Nothing can stop this
    Not now I love you
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    They're not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us
    Not gonna get us

    "Show me love”

    [English translation:
    See the wind?
    So what?
    Look out the window
    So what?
    Yesterday had sun
    So what?
    Why do you keep saying the same thing?
    I'm an answering machine.
    This was an accident
    Not the kind where sirens sound
    Never even noticed
    We're suddenly crumbling"]

    Tell me how you've never felt
    Delicate or innocent
    Do you still have doubts that
    Us having faith makes any sense?

    Tell me nothing ever counts
    Lashing out or breaking down
    Still somebody loses 'cause
    There's no way to turn around

    Staring at your photograph
    Everything now in the past
    Never felt so lonely I
    Wish that you could show me love

    Show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love
    'Til you open the door
    Show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love,
    'Til I'm up off the floor

    Show me love, show me love show me love, show me love, show me love,
    'Til it's inside my pores
    Show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love,
    'Til I'm screaming for more

    Random acts of mindlessness
    Commonplace occurrences
    Chances and surprises
    Another state of consciousness

    Tell me nothing ever counts
    Lashing out or breaking down
    Still somebody loses 'cause
    There's no way to turn around

    Tell me how you've never felt
    Delicate or innocent
    Do you still have doubts that
    Us having faith makes any sense?

    You play games, I play tricks
    Girls and girls, but you're the one
    Like a game of pick-up sticks
    Played by fucking lunatics

    Show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love
    'Til you open the door
    Show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love,
    'Til I'm up off the floor

    Show me love, show me love show me love, show me love, show me love,
    'Til it's inside my pores
    Show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love, show me love,
    'Til I'm screaming for more

    Show me love, show me love
    Give me all that I want
    Show me love, show me love
    Give me all that I want

    Show me love, show me love
    Give me all that I want
    Show me love, show me love
    'Til I'm screaming for more


    What I thought wasn't mine
    In the light
    Was one of a kind,
    A precious pearl
    When I wanted to cry
    I couldn't cause I
    Wasn't allowed

    Gomennasai for everything
    Gomennasai, I know I let you down
    Gomennasai till the end
    I never needed a friend
    Like I do now
    What I thought wasn't all
    So innocent
    Was a delicate doll
    Of porcelain

    When I wanted to call you
    And ask you for help
    I stopped myself
    Gomennasai for everything
    Gomennasai, I know I let you down
    Gomennasai till the end
    I never needed a friend
    Like I do now

    What I thought was a dream
    A mirage
    Was as real as it seemed
    A privilege
    When I wanted to tell you
    I made a mistake
    I walked away
    Gomennasai, for everything
    Gomennasai, Gomennasai,
    I never needed a friend,
    Like I do now
    Gomennasai, I let you down
    Gomennasai, Gomennasai, Gomennasai,
    Gomennasai till the end
    I never needed a friend
    Like I do now


    Stayin' up thru the night
    Black or white no big deal
    Going home after dark
    Rolling sleeves
    For the kill

    Everything goes away
    Dying and coming back
    Falling into the fray
    Forcing you off the track

    Speeding and pulling back
    Down and up we go
    Into the falling snow

    Stay closer, be brighter
    Than lighting be
    Be frightening, be lighter
    Than lighting be

    Stay closer, be brighter
    Than lighting be
    Be frightening, be lighter
    Than lighting be

    Shooting stars dreaming of
    Endless skis as they fall
    Crawling back feeling down
    Is the worst way to go

    Crashing into the ground
    To many lives to spend
    Driving into the light
    Wonderful lies to end

    Crashing into the ground
    Down and up we go
    Into the falling snow

    Stay closer, be brighter
    Than lighting be
    Be frightening, be lighter
    Than lighting be

    Stay closer, be brighter
    Than lighting be
    Be frightening, be lighter
    Than lighting be

    Song by t.A.T.u.

    How did we ever go this far?
    How did we ever go this far?

    You touch my hand and start the car
    You touch my hand and start the car

    Now for the first time in my life
    Now for the first time in my life

    I'm crying
    I'm crying
    Are we in space? Do we belong?
    Are we in space? Do we belong?

    Some place where no one calls it wrong
    Some place where no one calls it wrong

    And like the stars we brun away
    And like the stars we brun away

    The miles
    The miles
    I'm a star, you're a star
    Я звезда, ты звезда

    We were ordered to be burned
    Нас приказано сжечь

    Someone handed it in and got it
    Кто-то сдал и достал

    Addresses of our meetings
    Адреса наших встреч
    Ceilings in the eyes
    Потолки по глазам

    And no one will find
    И никто не найдёт

    Voices will slip
    Соскользнут голоса

    And the ice will break
    И сломается лёд
    And a draw without a key
    И ничья без ключа

    And the grave bed
    И могила постель

    And it's time to turn off
    И пора выключать

    And they're on your tail
    И они на хвосте
    Smile, untie
    Улыбнись, развяжи

    mirror curtain
    Занавесь зеркала

    Tear it up and tell me
    Разорви и скажи

    Died, died
    Умерла, умерла
    Shut up and lie down
    Замыкай и лежи

    Become nothing
    Становись никакой

    And my hand doesn't shake
    И рука не дрожит

    There's nothing wrong with my hand
    Всё в порядке с рукой
    You can take revenge
    Можно мстить

    Two by two
    Дважды два

    By taxi and suck
    На такси и соси

    And never forgive
    А простить никогда

    Never ask
    Никогда не проси
    Good good
    Хорошо, хорошо

    I came up with revenge
    Я придумала месть

    Powder is all there is
    Порошок - всё, что есть

    Multiply by six
    Умножаю на шесть
    Don't call, don't call
    Не звони, не звони

    I'm tired, I'm tired
    Я устала, я устала

    I do not want you
    Я тебя не хочу

    You me...
    Ты меня...
    How did we ever get this far?
    How did we ever get this far?

    It shouldn't have to be this hard
    It shouldn't have to be this hard

    Now for the first time in my life
    Now for the first time in my life

    I'm flying
    I'm flying
    Are we in love? Do we deserve?
    Are we in love? Do we deserve?

    To bear the shame of this whole world
    To bear the shame of this whole world

    And like the night we camouflage
    And like the night we camouflage

    Never anything
    Никогда ничего

    Nothing to start
    Ничего не начать

    Never anyone
    Никогда никого

    Die and be silent
    Умирать и молчать
    Don't search, don't love
    Не искать, не любить

    Don't regret and don't sleep
    Не жалеть и не спать

    Never, nowhere
    Никогда, никуда

    Don't let anyone in
    Никого не пускать
    Not just the two of us, and we’ll kill
    Не вдвоём, и убьём

    They will dream of water
    Им приснится вода

    Not yours, not mine
    Не твоё, не моё

    Wires, wires
    Провода, провода
    Heroin, no pulse
    Героин, пульса нет

    Only you have nothing to do with it
    Только ты не при чём

    Subscriber disconnected...
    Абонент отключён...
    How did we ever get this far?
    How did we ever get this far?

    You touched my hard and start the car
    You touched my hard and start the car

    And for the first time in my life
    And for the first time in my life

    I'm crying
    I'm crying
    Are we in love? Do we deserve?
    Are we in love? Do we deserve?

    To bear the shame of this whole world
    To bear the shame of this whole world

    And like the night we camouflage
    And like the night we camouflage

    I'm tired, I'm tired
    Я устала, я устала

    I do not want you
    Я тебя не хочу

    You me...

    نماذج الصور المرفقة نماذج الصور المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » FA627FBE-EBCC-4A7A-95FB-1B643C64F0FD.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 1  

الحجم » 305.1 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275548   اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » CA4B0601-B0F6-405D-BEA7-223DBF92C0E1.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 1  

الحجم » 207.3 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275547  

    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Ronay في يوم » 16-05-2024 عند الساعة » 12:37

  17. #96
    Friend or Foe
    Song by t.A.T.u.

    Is it too late
    Nothing to salvage
    You look away
    Clear all the damage
    The meaning to
    All words of love
    Has disappeared
    We used to love one another
    Give to each other
    Lie under covers so,
    Are you friend or foe
    Love one another
    Live for each other
    So, are you friend or foe
    'Cause I used to know
    The promises
    Hollow concessions
    And innocent show of affection
    I touch your hand
    A hologram
    Are you still there
    We used to love one another
    Give to each other
    Lie under covers so,
    Are you friend or foe
    Love one another
    Live for each other
    So, are you friend or foe
    'Cause I used to know
    Is it too late
    Nothing to salvage
    You look away
    Clear all the damage
    The meaning to
    All words of love
    Has disappeared
    We used to love one another
    Give to each other
    Lie under covers so,
    Are you friend or foe
    Love one another
    Live for each other
    So, are you friend or foe
    'Cause I used to know

    "A Simple Motion"
    (Prostye Dvizheniya English Version)

    The simplest stroke is the swell of the ocean
    The slightest caress, a well of emotion
    Flowing through you and flowing through me
    Waiting in silence, swirling inside you
    Steady and slow, rhythm is patience
    All that we know, answers to questions
    Growing in you, growing in me
    Fulfilling a need, over and over

    A simple motion
    A simple motion
    A simple motion

    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion

    The smallest of glances, a deep understanding
    A brush of your hand, love everlasting
    Covering you, covering me
    Eternally made, over and over
    The quietest whispers drown out explosions
    Voices are heard but words never spoken
    Coming from you and coming from me
    Filling a void over and over

    A simple motion
    A simple motion
    A simple motion

    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion, a simple motion
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion, a simple motion

    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion
    Over and over
    Over and over

    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over
    A simple motion over and over

    Over and over
    Over and over
    A simple motion
    A simple motion
    A simple motion
    Over and over
    Over and over
    Over and over

    "Null & Void"

    Tell me with affection in your voice
    That you never really had a choice
    Place on me the burden of the past
    Offer me the future and take it back

    Show me what you never meant to show
    Tell me what I'm not supposed to know
    Contradict me when you're in the wrong
    Don't commit to anything at all

    My life is null and void
    Dismantled and destroyed
    My life is null and void
    My life is null and Void

    Fill me with compassion and concern
    Thrill me with an unexpected turn
    Tempt me with the secrets that you hold
    Don't divulge until you're in control

    Show me what you never meant to show
    Tell me what I'm not supposed to know
    Contradict me when you're in the wrong
    Don't commit to anything at all

    My life is null and void
    Dismantled and destroyed
    My life is null and void
    My life is null and Void

    My life is null and void
    Dismantled and destroyed
    My life is null and void
    My life is null and Void

    My life is null and void
    Dismantled and destroyed
    My life is null and void
    My life is null and Void


    Delicate endless flow
    Running down my electric wire
    Sunshine and midnight glow
    Lighting discharge and eternal fire

    Sparks are flying in my head
    Fading softly, playing dead
    Sparks are flying in my head
    Sparks are flying in her head

    Headlights are glowing dim
    Silly words looking for a meaning
    Thinking of who will win
    Fire is stopped and nobody's winning

    Sunset is burning out
    Getting no sleep till the happy hour
    What if we lived without?
    Something we always knew was ours

    Sparks are flying in my head
    Fading softly, playing dead
    Sparks are flying in my head
    Sparks are flying in her head

    Sparks are flying in my head
    Fading softly, playing dead
    Sparks are flying in my head
    Sparks are flying in her head

    Head, head, head, head, head, head, head
    Sparks are flying

    "How Soon Is Now?"

    I am the son and the heir
    Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
    I am the son and heir
    Of nothing in particular

    You shut your mouth
    How can you say
    I go about things the wrong way
    I am a human and i need to be loved
    Just like everybody else does

    I am the son and the heir
    Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
    I am the son and heir
    Of nothing in particular

    You shut your mouth
    How can you say
    I go about things the wrong way
    I am a human and i need to be loved
    Just like everybody else does

    There's a club if you'd like to go you
    Could meet somebody who really loves you
    So you go, and you stand on your own and
    You leave on your own and you go home,
    And you cry and you want to die.

    When you say it's gonna happen "now",
    When exactly do you mean? see I've already
    Waited too long and all my hope is gone

    You shut your mouth
    How can you say
    I go about things the wrong way
    I am human and I need to be loved
    Just like everybody else does

    "Don't Regret"

    You don't regret
    Your past embraces
    Time will forget
    Phrases and faces

    No more saying words
    No more crying tears
    All that was before
    Is no longer here
    No more singing songs
    Silent lips are dry
    All that was before
    Slowly passing by

    No more saying words
    No more crying tears
    All that was before
    Is no longer here
    No more singing songs
    Just for you and I
    Silent nights are long
    Broken hearts are dry

    No turning back
    No cancellation
    Cats in the bag
    Trains at the station

    No more saying words
    No more crying tears
    All that was before
    Is no longer here
    No more singing songs
    Silent lips are dry
    All that was before
    Slowly passing by

    No more saying words
    No more crying tears
    All that was before
    Is no longer here
    No more singing songs
    Just for you and I
    Silent nights are long
    Broken hearts are dry

    "Perfect Enemy"

    Why should I welcome
    Your domination
    Why should I listen
    To explanations
    I'm not pretending
    To make it simple
    Try to be something
    You don't turn me off
    I will never fail
    Things I loved before,
    are now for sale
    Keep yourself away
    Far away from me
    I'll Forever stay
    Your perfect enemy

    No longer waiting
    Remove illusions
    No more complaining
    Forget confusion
    No more compassion
    Not sentimental
    I am now something
    You don't turn me off
    I will never fail
    Things I loved before,
    are now for sale
    Keep yourself away
    Far away from me
    I'll Forever stay
    Your perfect enemy

    نماذج الصور المرفقة نماذج الصور المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » 38933ae8-5763-457e-a39e-afafc79a129e.jpg  

عدد المشاهدات » 2  

الحجم » 385.8 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275550   اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » B75EDFA1-8822-43EC-BADB-031B4B93583F.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 1  

الحجم » 319.3 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275549  

  18. #97
    "30 Minutes"

    Mama, papa, forgive me.

    Out of sight
    Out of mind
    Out of time
    To decide

    Do we run?
    Should I hide?
    For the rest
    Of my life

    Can we fly?
    Do I stay?
    We could lose
    We could fail

    In the moment
    It takes
    To make plans
    Or mistakes

    30 minutes, a blink of an eye
    30 minutes,to alter our lives
    30 minutes,to make up my mind
    30 minutes,to finally decide

    30 minutes,to whisper your name
    30 minutes,to shoulder the blame
    30 minutes,of bliss, thirty lies
    30 minutes,to finally decide

    In the sky
    That we shape
    With our eyes

    Under shade
    Casting shade
    Crying rain

    Can we fly?
    Do I stay?
    We could lose
    We could fail

    Either way
    Options change
    Chances fail
    Trains derail

    30 minutes, a blink of an eye
    30 minutes,to alter our lives
    30 minutes,to make up my mind
    30 minutes,to finally decide

    30 minutes,to whisper your name
    30 minutes,to shoulder the blame
    30 minutes,of bliss, thirty lies
    30 minutes,to finally decide

    To decide
    To decide, to decide, to decide

    To decide
    To decide, to decide, to decide

    To decide

    "All About Us"

    They say
    They don't trust
    You, me, we, us
    So we'll fall
    If we must
    Cause it's you, me
    And it's all about
    It's all about

    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us (all about us)
    There's a thing that they can't touch
    'Cause ya know (ah ah)
    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us
    all about us
    We'll run away if we must
    'Cause ya know
    It's all about us (It's all about us)
    It's all about love (It's all about us)
    In you I can trust (It's all about us)
    It's all about us

    If they hurt you
    They hurt me too
    So we'll rise up
    Won't stop
    And it's all about
    It's all about

    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us (all about us)
    There's a thing that they can't touch
    'Cause ya know (ah ah)
    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us
    all about us
    We'll run away if we must
    'Cause ya know
    It's all about us (It's all about us)
    It's all about love (It's all about us)
    In you I can trust (It's all about us)
    It's all about us

    They don't know
    They can't see
    Who we are
    Fear is the enemy
    Hold on tight
    Hold on to me
    'Cause tonight

    It's all about us
    It's all about
    All about us
    There's a thing that they can't touch
    'Cause ya know (ah ah)
    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us (all about us)
    There's a thing that they can't touch
    'Cause ya know (ah ah)
    It's all about us (all about us)
    All about us
    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us (all about us)
    There's a thing that they can't touch
    'Cause ya know (ah ah)
    It's all about us (all about us)

    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us (all about us)
    We'll run away if we must
    'Cause ya know (ah ah)
    It's all about us (all about us)
    It's all about
    All about us (all about us)
    We'll run away if we must
    'Cause ya know (ah ah)
    It's all about us (all about us)

    It's all about us (It's all about us)
    It's all about love (It's all about us)
    In you I can trust (It's all about us)

    It's all about us

    "All The Things She Said"

    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    (Running through my head)

    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    (Running through my head)
    This is not enough

    I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost
    If I'm asking for help it's only because
    Being with you has opened my eyes
    Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?

    I keep asking myself, wondering how
    I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out
    Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me
    Nobody else so we can be free
    Nobody else so we can be free

    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    (Running through my head)
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    (All the things she said)

    This is not enough
    [Russian:] Я сошла с ума, -ма
    [English transliteration: "Ya soshla s uma, -ma!"
    English translation: "I went out of my mind"]
    This is not enough
    All the things she said
    All the things she said

    And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed
    They say it's my fault but I want her so much
    Wanna fly her away where the sun and the rain
    Come in over my face, wash away all the shame

    When they stop and stare, don't worry me
    'Cause I'm feeling for her what she's feeling for me
    I can try to pretend, I can try to forget
    But it's driving me mad, going out of my head

    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    All the things she said
    All the things she said

    This is not enough
    [Russian:] Я сошла с ума, -ма
    This is not enough
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said, she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said

    Mother looking at me
    Tell me what do you see?
    Yes, I've lost my mind

    Daddy looking at me
    Will I ever be free?
    Have I crossed the line?

    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    Running through my head
    Running through my head
    All the things she said
    All the things she said

    This is not enough
    [Russian:] Я сошла с ума, -ма
    This is not enough
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said

    "You And I"

    You and I
    Hold me tight
    You and I
    Gotta fight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    Say good-bye
    You and I
    Feels so right
    You and I
    Holding tight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    For the rest of our lives

    Every night
    We're all alone
    Every night
    My only hope
    Is the light
    That's shining from inside you
    Cause you believe
    In what we are
    You believe
    In what we'll be
    Give me strength
    So I can stand beside you

    No truths to confirm
    No lies to deny
    Too hopeless to care
    We're too scared to cry

    You and I
    Hold me tight
    You and I
    Gotta fight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    Say good-bye
    You and I
    Feels so right
    You and I
    Holding tight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    For the rest of our lives

    Just a side
    To an anguished street
    For what we believe
    If we hide
    Maybe we can make it through this
    Is it fair
    To be burned away?
    Is it fair
    That we live this way?
    For a life we didn't ask for

    No truths to confirm
    No lies to deny
    Too hopeless to care
    We're to scared to cry

    You and I
    Hold me tight
    You and I
    Gotta fight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    Say good-bye
    You and I
    Feels so right
    You and I
    Holding tight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    For the rest of our lives

    You and I
    Hold me tight
    You and I
    Gotta fight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    Say good-bye
    You and I
    Feels so right
    You and I
    Holding tight
    You and I
    Side by side
    You and I
    For the rest of our lives

    "White Robe"

    Feeling ugly, looking pretty
    Yellow ribbons, black graffiti
    Word is written, bond is broken
    No big secret left unspoken
    Sun is painted in the corner
    But it's never getting warmer
    All the lies they keep on selling
    But you never check the spelling

    Flying bullets
    Hit the targets
    Wings and haloes
    Five to seven
    In this white robe
    Through the darkness
    Back to heaven

    Flying bullets
    Hit the targets
    Wings and haloes
    Five to seven
    In this white robe
    Through the darkness
    Back to heaven

    Time is running we are sitting
    Back together just for splitting
    You are crying in the corner
    Always next and never former
    Open up and let me hear it
    Former body, future spirit
    Brain is useless, chair is rocking
    Open doors for dead man walking

    Flying bullets
    Hit the targets
    Wings and haloes
    Five to seven
    In this white robe
    Through the darkness
    Back to heaven

    Flying bullets
    Hit the targets
    Wings and haloes
    Five to seven
    In this white robe
    Through the darkness
    Back to heaven

    نماذج الصور المرفقة نماذج الصور المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » D6A6DD5F-5C1A-4C45-8C70-AEAF97F9B2A2.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 1  

الحجم » 490.6 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275552   اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » IMG_6231.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 2  

الحجم » 49.2 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275551  

  19. #98

    Tatu album..

    1. all the things she said
    2. all about us
    3. you and i
    4. 30 minutes
    5. loves me not
    6. running blind
    7. not gonna get us
    8. Cosmos (Outer Space)
    9. clowns
    10. show me love
    11. Gomenasai
    12. snowfalls
    13. Stars
    14. Friend or Foe
    15. White Robe
    16. A simple motion
    17. NULL & VOID
    18. Sparks
    19. How Soon Is Now
    20. Perfect Enemy
    21. Don’t Regret
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

  20. #99

    Clowns (Can You See Me Now?)

    Can you see me now?
    Can you see me now?
    All this weeping in the air
    Who can tell where it will fall?
    Through floating forests in the air
    Cross the rolling open son
    Blow a kiss, I run through air
    Leave the past, find nowhere
    Floating forests in the air
    Clowns all around you
    Clowns that only let you know
    Where you let your senses go
    Clowns all around you
    It's a cross I need to bear
    All this black and cruel despair
    This is an emergency
    Don't you hide your eyes from me?
    Open them and see me now
    Can you see me now?
    Can you see me now?
    Can you see?
    Can you see?
    See me here in the air
    Not holding on to anywhere
    But holding on so beware
    I have secrets I won't share
    See me here pushing you
    If I then deny I do
    Contemplate or wish away
    If I ask you not to stay
    Clowns that only let you know
    Where you let your senses go
    Clowns all around you
    It's a cross I need to bear
    All this black and cruel despair
    This is an emergency
    Don't you hide your eyes from me?
    Open them and see me now
    Can you see me now?
    Can you see me now?
    نماذج الصور المرفقة نماذج الصور المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » 50B91065-3D0E-418F-A17A-6AE178C3B069.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 2  

الحجم » 267.6 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275555   اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم الطبيعي  

الاسم » D58C4EB1-221E-4505-9F6F-09648FD038D8.jpeg  

عدد المشاهدات » 1  

الحجم » 623.4 كيلو بايت  

الهوية	» 2275554  

  21. #100
    سورة : البروج - Al-Burūj - الجزء : ( 30 ) - الصفحة: ( 590 )
    Verily, those who put into trial the believing men and believing women (by torturing them and burning them), and then do not turn in repentance, (to Allah), will have the torment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the burning Fire.
    الصور المرفقة الصور المرفقة attachment 

الصفحة رقم 5 من 6 البدايةالبداية ... 3456 الأخيرةالأخيرة

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