الصفحة رقم 1 من 103 1231151101 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة
مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 20 من 2056
  1. #1

    [ طلبـات واستفسـارت قسـم الحلول جميعهـا تــوضع هنـا !! ]

    .. الســلامـ عليكمـ ..

    .. سعيــًـا منـا لراحتــكم , وليــس ازعــاجكمـ , وأن يكــون الميجـاجيــم بشكــل أفضــل عنــد الجميــع , تــم عمــل هــذا المــوضوع , وسينقسـم إلـى ثــلاثـة أقسـامـ ../

    .. فــي قســم الاستــديو ..
    .. فـي قسم البوم الصور ..
    .. فـي قسم الحلول ..

    .. أي مــوضوع حــول استفســار أو طلــب حول حل أو ســر يُــوضع هنـا , وأي مــوضوع حــول تلبـية الطلبات يــرجى أن يتــم وضعــه هنــا , ولا أن تفعـل مـوضوع أنـت تسـاعدهـم فقــط !! ..

    .. وهنــاك قــوانيــن , من لا يعمــل بهــا , سيتــم تجــاهل ردهـ , وأتمنــى أن من يـلبي الطلبـات يقرأهـا , ليـرى أي الطلبــات عليـه أن يتجاهل ! ..

    .. القــوانيــن ..

    - لا ينقــص مشـاركاتك عـن 15 مشـاركـة , دونـ وجود أكثرها مشكور فقط لزيادة المشاركات ! ..
    - عدمـ وضع طلب حـول لعـبة God Of War ! ..
    - يجب مراعـاة من يـلبي الطلبات وله الحرية في تلبية أي طلب وتجاهل أي طلـب ! ..
    - عدمـ السـب أو الشتــم أو الألفاظ السوقية فـي المــوضوع ..
    - لكـل يــوم طلـب ! , ولا يمكنــك أن تطلب في ردك سـرين مثـلاً ! ..
    - تــوضيح طلبــك ! ..

    .. قوانيـن من يلبي الطلبـات ..

    - أي شخـص يشتمـك أو مـاشابه حاول تجاهله وإبلاغ المراقب بذلك , وإلا سيتم معاقبتكمـا معًـا ! ..
    - أن تكتــب كلمـة [ منقـول ] إن كــان الحل أو السر منقــول ! ..


    .. هذا وصــلّى عـلى سيدنــا محمــد عليــه أفضـل الصلاة وأتــم التســليــمـ ..
    .. الآن سنستقبــل طلبــاتكــم ..

    Life Goes on.

  2. ...

  3. #2


    السلام عليكم

    اهلا باسيد داركrambo\

    - لا ينقــص مشـاركاتك عـن 15 مشـاركـة , دونـ وجود أكثرها مشكور فقط لزيادة المشاركات ! ..

    - عدمـ وضع طلب حـول لعـبة God Of War ! ..
    ولله الحمد من اول ما بديت انفذ طلبات ما اتاني طلب لهاذيه اللعبهgooood

    - يجب مراعـاة من يـلبي الطلبات وله الحرية في تلبية أي طلب وتجاهل أي طلـب ! ..
    باذن الله راح البي جميع الطلبات وماراح ازعل احدwink

    عدمـ السـب أو الشتــم أو الألفاظ السوقية فـي المــوضوع ..

    - لكـل يــوم طلـب ! , ولا يمكنــك أن تطلب في ردك سـرين مثـلاً ! ..
    جزاك الله خير gooood

    - تــوضيح طلبــك ! ..

    وياليت من الجميع كتبت الاسم انجليزيgooood

    الان دوريbiggrin

    أي شخـص يشتمـك أو مـاشابه حاول تجاهله وإبلاغ المراقب بذلك , وإلا سيتم معاقبتكمـا معًـا ! ..
    ان شاء الله مع ان هاذا مستحيل يكون في هاذا القســم,,
    فـ جميع الاعضاء مشاء الله عليهم اخلاق فوق المتوقعsmile

    أن تكتــب كلمـة [ منقـول ] إن كــان الحل أو السر منقــول ! ..
    ان شاء الله راح اكتب منـــقولgooood

    والان في انتظار طلباتكمasian

  4. #3
    السلام عليكم ..

    في لعبة ( كراش نيترو كارت) krash nitro kart

    وصلت لنسبة 98 ولا قدرت أكمل ولا أتجاوز المرحلة الصعبة .

    ياليت لو كان فيه كلمة سر تنهي اللعبة أو ترشدوني لطريقة أتجاوز فيها المرحلة ..

    أتمنى تلبونه لي بأسرع وقت ..

    وأكون شاكر لكم



  5. #4
    Warcraft III Demo
    ممكن اسرار هذه العبة او حلول عن كيفية تجاوز المستوى الثانى


  6. #5
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ..روك لي.. مشاهدة المشاركة
    السلام عليكم ..

    في لعبة ( كراش نيترو كارت) krash nitro kart

    وصلت لنسبة 98 ولا قدرت أكمل ولا أتجاوز المرحلة الصعبة .

    ياليت لو كان فيه كلمة سر تنهي اللعبة أو ترشدوني لطريقة أتجاوز فيها المرحلة ..

    أتمنى تلبونه لي بأسرع وقت ..

    وأكون شاكر لكم
    اهلا اخي^_^

    انا لعبت بهاذي اللعبه والباقي من المئه

    كله ملابس تشتريها وخرابيط

    لذالك ليس لها اهمية

    واذا اردت اكمالها جمع فلوس واشتر جميع الملابس

    وان شاء الله تكمل المئه^_^

  7. #6
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة F.M.J مشاهدة المشاركة
    اهلا اخي^_^

    انا لعبت بهاذي اللعبه والباقي من المئه

    كله ملابس تشتريها وخرابيط

    لذالك ليس لها اهمية

    واذا اردت اكمالها جمع فلوس واشتر جميع الملابس

    وان شاء الله تكمل المئه^_^
    أنا أقصد كراش ( الدبابات) الثاني ...حق بلاستيشن2

    هو اللي أسأل عنه ....اللي بس سباقات ..

  8. #7
    ممكن حل لغز البيانو في لعبة silent hill eek راح يرتفع ضغطي بسبب هذي اللعبةdead و مشكور

  9. #8
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ..روك لي.. مشاهدة المشاركة
    أنا أقصد كراش ( الدبابات) الثاني ...حق بلاستيشن2

    هو اللي أسأل عنه ....اللي بس سباقات ..

    اهاااا راح ابحثgooood

  10. #9
    ₪ Abdullah ₪ wk4hNR
    الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Noctis Caelum

    نجم النقاشات الجيمزية 2013 نجم النقاشات الجيمزية 2013
    مترجم متميز مترجم متميز
    تحدى الميجاجيمرز 2011 تحدى الميجاجيمرز 2011
    السلام عليكم

    ممكن حل كامل للعبتين FINAL FANTASY VII & FINAL FANTASY VIII بالعربي


  11. #10


    السلام عليكم

    تفضل اخوي SORA الحل الكامل لFFVII لكن بالأنكليزي

    Final Fantasy 7

    After your first fight with the Ultimate weapon, it will be hanging
    around the Junon area above a big lake (you must have the highwind to
    attack it). Ram into it and you will enter combat defeat it, it will
    fly away. Follow it and ram it continue to do this until it makes a
    final stand then defeat it to obtain clouds 'Ultima Weapon' and to
    gain acces to the all ancient forest.

    If you having difficulty beating Ruby Weapon.First
    ,if possible,equip a Knights Of Round with a
    HP Absorb.Equip a Phoenix with a Final Atack
    (You may have the Final Atack after you won the
    special battle).After then make sure you have
    HP Pluses and MP Pluses until Cloud\'s HP and MP
    is full.Then,you should equip a MIME and a Hades.


    After you in the battle,first,cast the Hades on
    Ruby,then it will stop.Then use the Knights Of
    Round.Since second turn,just keep miming until it

    talk to the chocoboat the front of the farm and reply waaark

    At junon coast after saving Pricilla

    On the boat after beating Jenova

    Lying on the floor in the chocobo Jockey waiting room

    In the wreckage of the Gongaga reactor

    Deafeat the lost number enemy inside the shinra mansion safe

    Deafeat everyone in the Pagoda in wutai

    Walk to the second area in the sleeping forest and it will be
    floating around. wait in the spot where it is first seen then tap
    the action buttonto take it do not use against fire absorbing enemies.

    After the snowboarding sequence find the hot spring and touch it
    then find the area where you leave markers and keep to a straight
    line find the hut there and enter leave through the downward
    facing door go right find the cave and talk to the person inside
    deafeat her and the materia will fall from the sky

    defeat the red dragon at the cetra shrine

    Defaet the ultamate weapon a few times until it dies.A crater will
    remain.Go to the jelly object on top of the mountain and its at the

    Neo bahamut:
    after geas cliff just pick it up

    found while collecting the huge materia at mount condor. after
    defeating the enemies and the man sends you out to check on the
    condor egg it can be found on the ground.

    on the wreckage in the gelinka.

    bahamut Zero:
    collect the four huge materia store them in the obsertory then
    look closely at theblue huge materia to get the blue huge materia
    out of the rocket press these buttons at the safe press circle
    square xxto collect the key item huge materia. by cody Aaron
    __________________________________________________ ______

  12. #11


    Easy Chocobo races
    Hold [Page Down] + [Target] while racing a Chocobo to
    slowly restore energy.

    Unlimited items
    This trick requires the W-Item materia. The materia is obtained
    after your party parachutes back into Midgar in Disc 3. After
    entering the subway tunnels in Sector 8, your party may walk
    away from the screen and encounter the Turks, or walk towards the
    screen to reach another subway section. Select the second choice
    and follow the subway tunnel until it ends at a dead end with the
    W-Item materia.

    Equip the materia on the character with the item to be duplicated.
    When a battle begins, select the W-Item entry on the battle menu
    and pick the item to be duplicated. Answer "OK" to confirm the
    selection and choose the person to receive the item. When selecting
    the second item, choose the item to be duplicated. Answer "OK" to
    confirm the selection, but cancel before choosing a person to
    receive the item. The amount of that item should have increased
    by one. This may be repeated to increase the total number of that
    item to 99.

    Cast magic three times at an opponent
    Have all characters have Reflect status. Cast any attack spell on
    all three of your characters. The spell will bounce three times
    into the enemy, each with the attack power of a full spell.

    Extra money
    Sell a Master level All materia to get 1.4 million Gil. Since another
    All materia will appear when the original reaches master level, there
    will be no loss in usefulness.

    Nibelheim safe combination
    The combination to the safe in the old mansion in Nibelheim that
    contains the key to enter the basement (and get Vincent) is Right 36,
    Left 10, Right 59, Right 97. Note: Push the button used to talk to
    people to select each number. After opening the safe and fighting the
    monster inside, a key to the other part of the mansion and Odin summon
    materia will be found.

    Materia to beat Weapons
    Use the following steps to make the battle with the Emerald and Ruby
    Weapons easier. Note: This must be done after Meteor is summoned and
    the Highwind is in your possession.

    1. Before fighting either Weapons, find and equip the Morph Matera
    before returning to the Undersea Reactor in Junon. Go through the
    sight-seeing tunnel (where the ocean can be viewed) and enter battles
    until the Ghost Ship appears. Use Morph when the enemy is low on HP to
    change them into an item called "Guide Book".
    2. Leave Junon and return to Kalm. Go to the last house on the right,
    next to the bar. Go upstairs, where an old man will be encountered.
    He will explain how he wants to understand the afterlife, and ask you
    to find three items: Guide Book, Earth Harp, and Desert Rose. He will
    notice that you already have Guide Book and give you the Underwater
    3. Equip the Underwater Materia. It does not gain AP and will not
    duplicate. This Materia removes the time limit when Emerald Weapon is
    4. Defeat Emerald Weapon (a few mastered Mime and Knights of the Round
    will be helpful) to receive Earth Harp. Take it back to Kalm and give
    it to the old man to receive Master Summon (Red), Master Magic (Green),
    and Master Command (Yellow) Materia. These Materia can not level up or
    duplicate, but have all the abilities of their single counterparts.
    Master Summon grants all Summons for as long as MP are available. A
    similar effect is also used by Master Magic. Master Command is a little
    difficult to work with, but is still worth it.
    5. Equip the new Materia and ram into Ruby, who is minding its own
    business in Gold Saucer. With luck, the single character Ruby allows
    to stay and fight will be ready to deal with this massacre.
    6. Defeat Ruby and take Desert Rose to the man in Kalm to receive a
    Gold Chocobo. You probably will already have one, as Knights Of The
    Round is required for the Weapons battles. A good combo to use against
    the Weapons is HP Absorb + Knights (mega damage and mega boost in HP).

    Easier Ruby Weapon battle
    Kill two members of your party before fighting Ruby Weapon. Have the
    Summon Phoenix materia equipped on the remaining character, then run
    into Ruby Weapon. When fighting, Ruby will only attack the live
    character, and therefore not use the Quicksand attack. Wait until the
    Weapon sticks his claws in the ground. Then, use Summon Phoenix to
    attack it and revive the dead party members. All three party members
    are now available for the battle.

    How to win at Chocobo racing
    During a race hold down [Page Down] + [Target] to restore
    energy (takes a while). After your party parachutes back
    into Midgar, you can get the W-Item materia. Enter the
    subway tunnels in Sector 8. You can encounter the Turks,
    away from the screen, or go to another subway section
    towards the screen. Go towards the screen and the new
    subway tunnel. Follow the subway tunnel until it ends at
    a dead end; here you will find the W-Item materia.Now,
    equip the materia on a character who has an item you want
    duplicated. When a battle begins, select the W-Item entry
    on the battle menu and pick the item to be duplicated.
    Answer "OK" to confirm your choice and choose who will
    get the new item. When selecting the second item,
    choose the item to be duplicated.
    Answer "OK" to confirm the selection, but cancel before
    choosing a person to receive the item. You can do this
    repeatedly, to increase the number of an item up to 99.

    Beat the Emerald Weapon
    If your having difficulty beating Emerald Weapon and you can't get
    the Knights of the Round consider using this method.First equip
    three gravity materia, one to each character, second if possible
    equip a mime materia to each character.

    Next to one character, equip both the W-Magic materia and quadra
    magic materia joined to the characters gravity materia. Join an all
    materia to the other characters materia. Okay. Now when you go into
    battle all you do is use any level of demi on the Emerald weapon and
    it automatically does 9999 HP of damage to with every hit but at the
    end his HP will lower and a couple of hits with a moderately powerful
    summon spell and he's done for. Voila!

    Beat the Ruby Weapon
    For this you will need Nights Of The Round with at least 3 levels.
    Phoenix summon with at least 3 levels. Shield with at least 2 levels.
    Final Attack with any level. About 3 mastered HP and MP pluses (you
    might need more). 3 Enemy Skills with White Wind learned (to learn
    White Wind, go to the grassy area of Junon untill you fight a big
    green creature with wings. Manipulate it and have it use White Wind
    on your party).

    You also need MP and HP absorb and the MIME command. Make sure you
    do NOT have the w-item, w-magic, and w-summon materias. Give everyone
    HP pluses untill it reaches 9,999 HP. Then do the same with the MP
    pluses until it reaches 999. Equip Cloud with the Ultima Weapon and
    give him the following materia.

    Combine the Nights Of The Round with the MP absorb. Give him Phoenix
    with Final Attack. Give him mime with HP absorb. Make sure that you
    only eqip these matiera on the Ultima Weapon if their mastered. Give
    him shield and enemy skill. Give your other party members the other
    enemy skills. Make sure Cloud has an accesory that will protect him
    from Frog and Small.

    Before you fight Ruby, get into a battle and have Cloud kill your
    other party members. Now go after Ruby. Start off by using shield on
    Cloud. Do NOT have Cloud bring the rest back to life.

    Now have Cloud use Knights of the Round and just keep miming it until
    the Ruby Weapon kills you. When you come back to life, repeat the
    process until you've won.

    NOTE: No matter what, do not use any limit breaks or regular attacks
    on Ruby. If Cloud becomes a toad, use white wind to heal him.

    Cast Any Spell Three Times
    To cast three magic spells in one round, first equip someone with a
    Magic Materia + "All" Support Materia. You'll also need Barrier Materia
    with the Reflect spell learned. When you enter battle, cast Reflect on
    the entire party, (your party). Then cast the magic spell that was
    connected to the "All" Materia on YOUR party.

    Even though you cast the spell once, it will be reflected and returned
    to the enemy hitting for three times! And for the same price of the
    usual MP's. What's even better is that if you have W-Magic, you can
    cast that spell twice, or two different spells (both need to be
    connected to "All" Materia) hitting for six times!!!

    Duplicate Items
    For this to work you need the W-Item Materia. This Materia is
    available at the excavation site. Search the bottom layer at a
    place that looks a little like someone scuffed an "x" in the dirt.
    Equip the Materia, and in battle use it. Select the Item that you
    want to duplicate first, then select any other item.
    After you select the second item hit cancel, and notice that the
    first item has increased by one. Just keep selecting the item, and
    canceling till you have all you need. The only downfall to this is
    that you can only duplicate items that you can use during battle.
    __________________________________________________ _______


  13. #12



    و هذي الحل الكامل لFFVIII


    Final Fantasy VIII

    By using hex cheat,you can get 99 items of rank A or any rank you want
    each time you transfer Chocobo to your game.
    First, open hexeditor,open a chocobo's save files in where you setup your
    FF VIII (example: C:\SquareSoft INC\FFVIII\), then in the first line, you
    will see the number of Item you can have at rank A, B, C D and also your
    hitpoints, current levels, etc... Change them to 99 and each time you
    transfer data, you will get any item you want.I dont remember exactly
    the address where HP, number Items and Level store, but i'm sure it
    extremly easy. You can find it by yourself

    Defeating T-Rexaur:
    When you travel past the balamb garden, you will encounter T-Rexaur, the
    dinosaur that is extremely strong in that garden. It's hit points is about
    11,000 whereas Squall's is just around 600-700. So this is very difficult
    to destroy him you may escape but your stats may go down. The T-Rexaur hits
    with its tail and bites his enemies that causes a considerable amount of
    damage say about 200-300 hit points. In order to defeat this bad one, just
    use the blind spell on him so that he becomes totally blind and again cast
    the sleep spell that makes him doze. Now summon the GF (Guardian Force)
    Leviathan that causes water damage and other GF which causes Ice damage
    (I forgot the name of the GF but you may know). This will kill him easily
    and you will get M-Stone Piece that contains high magical power. If more
    doubts persists, Mail me.

    For unlimited free random items open and play Chocobo World
    after you've got your Chicobo and accumilate a few items
    (I sugest you get a few of each as it makes it easier).
    Then with Chocobo World (its best to go into the menu
    otherwise you may encounter problems if you accidently
    go into battle) still running open FFVIII and bring your
    Chicobo 'HOME' and you'll recieve some random items, then
    send you Chicobo to 'WORLD'. Press Alt-TAB to switch to
    Chocobo World and press Ctrl twice to go out and back into
    of the menu and you'll see you still have the items, so go
    back to FFVIII and just repeat the process as many times as
    you like as long as you don't bring you Chicobo 'HOME'
    without Chocobo World running.

    NOTE: I sugest you save once in a while as this cheat may
    crash your game

    Here's are some tips for ya'.
    If you have to do the part with the train cracking-
    President Deling- Thing, and when have to unlock
    everything, PRACTICE FIRST!
    And if you happen to have been caught, and when the
    screen turns black, and if wanna' try again, choose
    the answer: Forget it...
    Because then when you do that, you will start again
    with that stuff.

    Get more ap:
    if your gf complete and many ability not available
    go to sabotender island and kill a sabotender you'll
    have more 20 ap.

    Tips in jungtion:
    go to jungtion set a magic, and set your Attack J
    with Water for your party...

    Low level advantages:
    Since the enemies level up as you do, try to keep your
    level as low as possible for easier battles.
    As long as your magic is good, defeating your opponents
    will not be a problem. Draw high level magic when your
    level is low to increase your status.

    Increasing stats:
    You can increase all your stats by using GF Eden's Devour
    ability by eating the following:

    Hp: Rinoa in Adel + 10 HP, Ruby Dragon + 10 HP
    Str: T-Rexaur + 1 Str
    Vit: Adamantoise + 1 Vit
    Mag: Behemoth + 1 Mag
    Spr: Malboro + 1 Spr
    Spd: Pu Pu + 1 Spd
    Easy gil:
    Tonberry's Haggle and Sell High abilities as well as
    Carbuncle's Recovery Medicine Refining ability must be
    learned for this trick. Obtain 75,000 gil and by 100
    Tents from any shop. Refine them into 25 Mega-Potions,
    which can be sold for 7,500 gil each. This results in
    a profit of 105,000 gil.

    Build a high speed level, the Rare item ability, hit at
    255%, and a high strength stat. Go to Cactuar Island and
    fight Cactuars. You will usually acquire an item called
    Jet Engine, which can be sold for 150000 gil.

    Ending scene:
    Allow the credits to complete after the final FMV sequence
    to see Squall and Rinoa.

    Quick movement in Balamb Garden:
    When first at Balamb Garden, after you give the tour to
    Selphie, approach the the directory and press Action.
    When the directory screen appears, move the pointer to
    where to wish to go and press Action. You will appear in
    the hallway in front of that location. Note: This only
    works at the beginning of the game.


    Draw, draw, draw. Always take the opportunity to siphon
    some of your enemy's power with at least one of your
    party members during a battle. You never know when your
    opponent is going to have something vital or cool.

    When you get a new party member, remember to junction a
    GF to him or her and try to give the new member some
    abilities that will help you out in fights. For example,
    it helps if at least one person in your party can use the
    Item skill in combat.

    When you're fighting the big monster boss at the top of
    the communication tower, don't forget to draw on him. He
    has Siren, an important GF, and if you don't draw it from
    him in that fight, you won't find it elsewhere in the game.

    Dancing soldiers on control panel:
    You can toy around a bit with the Missile Control Panel.
    Choose to go to the equipment inspection screen to see the
    equipment used by the Galbadian Army. Hold Triangle + Square
    and press Up or Down. The scene will switch to either a dancing
    Galbadian Soldier or Elite Soldier.

    Easy SeeD level up(more gils)
    (as u know....the higher rank u go in Seed...the more ur wage increase)
    go to menu...click on tutorial and then on test...

    1.answer all question by 'YES'
    2.Check the total score(usually its 50/100)
    3.Now, go to TEST again...
    4.answer all questions with 'YES', and the last question(Q 10) with 'NO'
    5.Check the score, if the score increases then the answer is 'NO' if the score
    descreases, then the answer is 'YES'.
    6.Again go to TEST and answer all question by YES and question 9
    'NO'...dont forget...even if u get the answer of q 10...still u have to give
    YES for question 10 in order to know the answer of q 9
    7. Reapeat to TEST, answer all question with YES and q 8 with NO and again the
    reamain question with YES...see the score whether it decreases or increases....
    if dec then answer is YES if increase...then its NO..

    Repeat the steps all the way upto qustion 1 and finally....with all the
    answers found...go to TEST and apply the answers and walla!!!!u get a 100%!!

    if u still do not understand what im trying to say ....plz dont hesitate to
    email me at boromir_the_smartass@hotmail.com

    Final Fantasy 8 cheat:
    Get as many A items in Chocobo World and when you are satisfied load
    FF8 without closing Chocobo World, now go to the chocobo screen in the
    FF8 to load up the items, after loading the items up go back to the
    chocobo world screen using Esc+Ctrl+Alt and cycle through the screens
    to your items in chocobo world. Your items will still be there and you
    can repeat this many times and avoid the hard work of trying to gain
    items in chocobo world. This way you can get many rare items and update
    your gunblade faster and junction with rare magic such as ultima.

    In 1st disk, after defeat the boss on the communication tower, u'll be given 30
    mins to run to the beach. But on the way there, u'll encounter a robot spider
    (i don't know it real name). This is a great chance to increase your GF's AP.
    This is the tip for u to get the AP. Firstly, remember to set your GF before
    going down the tower. When you encounter the spider, attack it until it is down,
    then attack it until it stand up (if you wait for it to stand up, you won't get
    any AP), and knock it down again, then run. every time you do it, you 'll get
    50 AP. For 30 mins you can knock it 6-7 times, means 300-350 AP (such a lot huh?).

    وهذه اجوبة امتحان SeeD

    1 - Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N, N
    2 - Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, N
    3 - N, N, Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N
    4 - N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N
    5 - N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y
    6 - Y, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, Y
    7 - Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N
    8 - N, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N
    9 - N, Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, Y, Y
    10 - Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, Y, N
    11 - Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y
    12 - N, Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N
    13 - Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N
    14 - Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N
    15 - Y, Y, N, N, N, N, N, Y, N, Y
    16 - Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y, N
    17 - Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, Y, N, N
    18 - Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N
    19 - Y, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N, Y
    20 - Y, Y, N, Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N
    21 - Y, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N
    22 - N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, Y, Y, N
    23 - Y, N, N, N, N, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
    24 - Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y
    25 - Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N, N
    26 - Y, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, N
    27 - N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, Y, N
    28 - Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N
    29 - N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y, N
    30 - N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N

    ملاحظة :: تبدأ الاجوبة من اليسار الى اليمين.
    و اي خدمة تخص الحلول اني حاضر و بالخدمة.

    اخوك GRIEVER

  14. #13

  15. #14

    Unhappy تكفى تلبلي الطلب ذا -----------> ((((تكفى تهز رجال))))

    اخوي حبيبي يا بعد قلبي ارجوك رجاء عظيم انك تلبي لي الطلب ذا

    عندي على جهاز الــwii لعبه جننتني اسمها

    red steel

    هذي لعبة مسدسات

    بس ابغا حلها بالكامل اصله تعرف خويكم الي هو انا

    ما عنده سالفه بالالعاب بس ابي حلها عشان اختمها وارتاح

    وعشان لا تفهمني غلط ابيها بالعربي بس بالعربي مو نجليزي

    اجلس كل كلمه اترجم biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

    باللغة العربيه طيب وياليت الله يخليك اذا لقيت الحل

    او ما لقيته ترسلي رساله على بريدي الي بالمنتدى طيب

    يالله سلاااااااااااااااام

    بس اسمع اذا اثبت جدارتك وانك حلال الغاز تراي باغرك بالالغاز

    عشان يعني تعرف انا ما عندي ما عند جدتي biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

    مع تحيات الامير

    تركي ال خالدي


  16. #15
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشق دايزر مشاهدة المشاركة
    اخوي حبيبي يا بعد قلبي ارجوك رجاء عظيم انك تلبي لي الطلب ذا

    عندي على جهاز الــwii لعبه جننتني اسمها

    red steel

    هذي لعبة مسدسات

    بس ابغا حلها بالكامل اصله تعرف خويكم الي هو انا

    ما عنده سالفه بالالعاب بس ابي حلها عشان اختمها وارتاح

    وعشان لا تفهمني غلط ابيها بالعربي بس بالعربي مو نجليزي

    اجلس كل كلمه اترجم biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

    باللغة العربيه طيب وياليت الله يخليك اذا لقيت الحل

    او ما لقيته ترسلي رساله على بريدي الي بالمنتدى طيب

    يالله سلاااااااااااااااام

    بس اسمع اذا اثبت جدارتك وانك حلال الغاز تراي باغرك بالالغاز

    عشان يعني تعرف انا ما عندي ما عند جدتي biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

    مع تحيات الامير

    تركي ال خالدي
    هلا اخوي تركي

    استأذن القائمين عالموضوع بمشاركتي هذ لكني بحثت لك عن اسرار لعبة red steel وكل اللي وجده هو::

    طريقة القضاء على Ryuichi

    اسم السر هو (تجميدRyuichi )

    في احدى المهمات سوف تقاتل فيها على احواض السفن وتتقاتل مع Ryuichi

    أطلق علية النار اكثر من مرة حتى يهرب واقضي على رجاله

    لكن بدل ان تنزل من الدرج اصعد فوق الصناديق في القارب الآخر واستمر في المشي حتى تجد سلالم

    اصعد السلالم وسوف ترى Ryuichi ومعه رهينه والرهينه هيAkira وسوف يظل Ryuichi مكانه ولن يتحرك

    حاول ان تصوب الى رأسة لأنه لن يتحرك واقضي عليه


    اتمنى اكون افدتك لأن هذا كل اللي لقيته عن اللعبة

    ووجدته في منتدى انجليزي وترجمته بالوافي مع الترتيب طبعا

    واللي يبي سر اي لعبة على اي جهاز يعطينا اسمها بالانجليزي smile

    وانا آسف على لقافتي

    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Gaara Of Desert في يوم » 03-10-2007 عند الساعة » 07:02
    قال صلي الله عليه وسلم:
    كلمتان خفيفتان علي اللسان ثقيلتان في الميزان حبيبتان الي الرحمن
    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

  17. #16
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة GRIEVER مشاهدة المشاركة
    ممكن حل لغز البيانو في لعبة silent hill eek راح يرتفع ضغطي بسبب هذي اللعبةdead و مشكور
    هلا اخوي بس ممكن توضح اي جزء من سايلنت هيل وعلى اي جهاز

    لانها حتى على البي اس بي نزلت واكثر من جزء

  18. #17
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ..روك لي.. مشاهدة المشاركة
    أنا أقصد كراش ( الدبابات) الثاني ...حق بلاستيشن2

    هو اللي أسأل عنه ....اللي بس سباقات ..

    اخوي روك لي اذا كنت تقصد

    Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex

    فتفضل هذي اسراره لكن بالانجليزي كل اللي عليك انك تنسخ الكلام وتلصقه في برنامج الوافي وهو يضبطك بالترجمه لكن الله يعينك عالترتيب

    Extra Life
    When you are in the first level, Arctic Antics , At the end of the level, there is a mammoth up on a cliff. Jump onto the furry rascal and you will get an extra life.

    Easy Lives
    To get easy lives, you must have beaten the fourth boss and have the bazooka. Then go to level 1. Around the place are those big elephants. Shoot them. There are three elephants. For each time you kill one, you gain 1 life. A better way, is to shoot the elephants, go to the beginning of the level, die, then shoot them again.

    Defeat N.Gin
    To defeat N.Gin, shoot at the flashing pads on his robot suit. Four of the pads on the first suit will fall off. The pad underneath his viewing area will not fall off: it will just stop flashing. The two easiest pads to hit are the ones that fire missiles, (the middle is also quite easy too), then his arms are the last two. When he brings up his arm, there will be a few seconds before he starts firing, so this is the best time to shoot at the end of his arms. When you have destroyed all the flashing pads, then he will get into another suit which is even harder.
    This time, the flashing pads are four missile launchers, one on the far left, and one on the far right. The last one is just under N.Gin's ugly mug. Hit and destroy all these pads, and you have and apple bazooka!!!

    Beat Time Trail Fast on Dragon Level
    On the level that you are being chased by the dinosaur/dragon you can beat the level very fast. On time trail right when you get chased by the dragon after the ? mark platform press select and you will be telepoted to the end by the nitro boxes.

    Unlimited Lives
    On level 1 after you get the crystal, do it again. Don't get the time trial yet. Get the berries and boxes. Then go get the clock and kill yourself. Do this over and over again and you will have many lives.

    How to Defeat Elemental Masks
    Earth Elemental(Rok-Ko): Hit the rocks (Not Crunch!) to turn them blue. If Crunch already hit them, you have to hit them twice or let them cool off. You have to hit all the rocks blue 3 times (Number of rocks will increase).
    Water Elemental (Wa-Wa): You have to hop on the platforms in front of you a number of times. Get to Crunch and spin him backwards. There are a multiple of attacks he uses including lightning and some kind of blue rolling pin.
    Fire Elemental (Py-Ro): Run and jump all the way to the Mech and Crash will automatically jump in. Crunch will roll flaming rocks at you. Jump to get closer to Crunch and fire water cannon. During the second and third times, Crunch will lay down flaming mines that you see.
    Air Elemental (Lo-Lo): You fly and have to shoot Crunch until his health disappear. He fires weapons at you in a pattern. Fly to dodge them. The first one will be a large flaming blue ball. The second one will be smaller balls from his eyes. The third one is a beam of blue light. The fourth one is a blue storm falling down. I don't know much about hitting but always keep your gun on. After Crunch doesn't have much health left, he starts to stop using some of his weapons. Finally, he only uses the first one. Shoot the large ball he prepares to throw to do damage.

    Belly flop power
    When you get the red gem in banzai bonsani.jump on to the red gem the go to the end find the gem and bellyfloop on it and the move is all yours

    Strange Cortex
    When you die, and get gameover, keep pressing x (very fast) while the screen is black.Continue pressing it when Cortex comes up, but keep watching the screen. His actions should be different to the voice.

    Unlimited Lives
    On level 1 after you get the crystal, do it again. Don't get the time trial yet. Get the berries and boxes. Then go get the clock and kill yourself. Do this over and over again and you will have many lives.

    Lo Lo boss
    He fires in wave patterns , so first dodge the power ball from his hand. Then dodge small balls from his eyes. He will fire a power beam. Start in the top left and go round the screen. Finally he will shoot a storm. look where the gap is when he fires and move there fast. You will know where to shoot because Aku Aku will circle the target area Crush is firing. Repeat this technique until crunch is dead!

    How to beat Cortex
    Beating Cortex is easy as long as you know what to do.He takes 4 hits. For the first hit Crunch will jump on to a platform and rocks will start to fall. Once the rocks have stopped,look at Crunch.You will see a glowing ring around him,take out the fruit bazooka,and shoot CRUNCH! He will then slap cortex into the platform you are on,hit Cortex or else Aku Aku will put him back were he was. Every red button looking thing Crunch jumps on a different attack will come at you.Crunch can do more than one attack when he is hitting you. Good luck!

    اتمنى اكون افدتك

    وارجو من الاخوه كتابة اسم اللعبة بالانجليزي ونوع الجهاز
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Gaara Of Desert في يوم » 03-10-2007 عند الساعة » 07:26

  19. #18


    هلا اخوي بس ممكن توضح اي جزء من سايلنت هيل وعلى اي جهاز

    لانها حتى على البي اس بي نزلت واكثر من جزء
    الجزء الاول على playstation 1

    وياريت بسرعة اذا ما اسوي زحمة عليكnervousnervous

  20. #19
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة GRIEVER مشاهدة المشاركة
    الجزء الاول على playstation 1

    وياريت بسرعة اذا ما اسوي زحمة عليكnervousnervous

    أولاًً احب اقولك اخوي اني مالعبت اللعبه وماني فاهمها لكن وجدت لك ثلاث حلول اتمنى ينفعونك

    فعشان احطك بالصورة أنا ماني فاهم اول حلين لكن الأخير واضح وضوح الشمس

    الحل الأول

    Piano in music room

    Play the notes in the following order. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |5| | | | | | | | |3| | | |_| |_| | |_| |_| |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 4 | 2 | | |____|____|____|____|____ |____|____|

    الحل الثاني

    مرتب اكثر من الأول

    Piano in music room

    | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    | |5| | | | | | | | |3| |
    | |_| |_| | |_| |_| |_| |
    | | | | | | | |
    | | 1 | | | 4 | 2 | |
    |____|____|____|____ |____|____|____|

    الحل الثالث
    هذا اوضح حل

    The piano room

    hit the first white key that doen't work then hit the last white key that doesn't work and then hit the last black key that doesn't work and then hit the the second to last key that doesn't work and finally hit the first black key that doesn't work

    اتمنى اخوي ترد علي عشان اعرف اذا انفعوك ولا لأ
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Gaara Of Desert في يوم » 03-10-2007 عند الساعة » 23:06

  21. #20

الصفحة رقم 1 من 103 1231151101 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة

بيانات عن الموضوع

الأعضاء الذين يشاهدون هذا الموضوع

عدد زوار الموضوع الآن 3 . (0 عضو و 3 ضيف)


collapse_40b قوانين المشاركة

  • غير مصرّح لك بنشر موضوع جديد
  • غير مصرّح بالرد على المواضيع
  • غير مصرّح لك بإرفاق ملفات
  • غير مصرّح لك بتعديل مشاركاتك

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